Thursday, November 23, 2006

To Blog Or Not To Blog...

Lately, I have been searching for the reason to blog anymore. I summed up most of my hesitations in a previous post. Then tonight I decided to read a few of my posts from when we planted the church. It was great to have a running journal of what was going on and to see how far we've come. I think blogging is worth it, if just to have an online diary of our journey as a community. It may not mean anything to anyone else, but that's ok. It's much cheaper than therapy. Happy blogging and thanks for the fish!


Rick said...

Thankful you're still in it - and yes, blogging for yourself and not for (1)an agenda or (2)others' expectations is the only way to fly.

Rick said...

That's right - if you don't blog, all the spam will come to my site. C'mon, you've got to protect the rest of us :)