Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Love Like Jesus

If you've read my blog for any amount of time, you know that God has given me a HUGE vision for reaching people for Jesus by loving people like Jesus. I feel strongly that it's not enough to put on a great show every Sunday and try to get as many people in the church doors as possible. Sundays will always big an important tool to present the Gospel, but I'm a big believer that what you win them with, is what you win them to (h.t. Bob). Lasting life change will happen within the context of a relationship with someone who really cares and will be there tomorrow when the questions and struggles come. To that end, I have encouraged our church to go beyond the "drive-by" outreaches this next year. When you serve the community, don't love 'em and leave 'em.

I think we have taken a huge step towards that goal over the past few weeks. We asked our people to adopt a struggling family in our church and our community, and help provide a few basic needs. They were to bring the items to the church and we would fan out across the city to deliver them to the families this week. I have to say - we were totally overwhelmed by the generosity of our church! They brought in so many items that we are now looking for more families in our community to help. Yeah God!!! Thank you Seacoasters for seeing the vision and taking it way beyond what I thought was possible!

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